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CLO Basics,

Writer: Saman khorramSaman khorram


Alt+left mouse button click, hold and drag for zoom in and out

middle mouse button click, hold and drag : pan

right mouse button click, hold and drag : orbit in 3d view


Ctrl+D : Symmetric pattern with swing

use copy, ctrl+C then Ctrl+R for Mirror Paste : it is a regular copy and paste with no symmetric relationship to front pattern, generally is used for the back side.

Ctrl+D again for the other side and using flip normal command and sewing tool

another option using the middle internal line and use this option :

it creates this center line which is not an internal line it is just a visual marking.

if you wanted to cut these pieces apart at the center back we can draw an internal line polygon straight dawn the center back and choose "cut and sew" command. after this make sure these is no internal line left and delete it manually.

The first method "ctrl+C, Ctrl+R" gives a completely symmetrical garment to work easier if adding detail with internal lines, so you don't end up drawing on other side and you stop on center front seam

to merge two pieces :

to remove symmetric connection :

to join a bunch of garments that all have a matching pair with symmetric connection select all and apply this command, it finds a matching pair for each garment and connect them.

Flip Normal

Shift+F to enable arrangement point and place pattern on body

N for sewing tool,

Copy Paste iterating

when copy paste the first one you define the direction then if you right click simultaneously you get this option for distributing .

to hide internal lines

Pivot: when working with transforming tool double click on middle point to activate the pivot and reposition it

Hold ctrl for rotating to snap to 45 degree angles

to reset back rotated pieces :

Getting length of segments :

shift select multiple edges to get the sum of length in cursor

Holding ctrl while moving will keep the moving direction along the edges

Clone as reference line:

will place the current piece as a background reference as a guide for editing further

after that to clean up , with transform tool, right click > Delete reference line

Curvature tool and editing it after creation :

it will be a Bezier curve using curvature tool,

adding curve point to a curvature curve will break that Bezier curve and will crate a new shape

converting to segment point to hold the shape as further points after it may affect it

if moving a curve point curve before it will be affected, Hold D and move to not affect the curve before that point, it stabilizes those points created before it.

to delete all curve points and reset back to a straight line

select segments and offset as internal line command :

to extend internal lines until reach to closest pattern segment

To extend and add point (break pattern segment) :

workflow of internal line multi copy and cut.

Splitting segments to smaller segments, X

Use notch tool to add marker on a segment for further editing and sewing , you may add points on those created notch placements.

Smooth curve, the first usage, gives bevel on points

Shows the second usage of smooth curve, can convert it to a straight line aswell

in the last step if click on the reference line it convert the edge to a straight line

white points means points are overlapping but are not joined in that area. (left side)

Sewing tools can only bypass joined points

Offset pattern outline , Baseline, How to convert them

purple lines that are left after some operations are baselines are just visual guides, can convert them to usable shapes,



© 2019 by Saman Khorram

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